git initial-commit

git initial-commit

I hate repeating the same manual steps over and over again. I create new git repositories quite often. I was repeating the same manual steps for each I took some time out to turn it into a repeatable sub-command for git.

2 minute read

As a conscientious techie I hate repeating the same manual steps over and over again. Equally so, I find I create new git repositories quite often. As it became clear that I was repeating the same manual steps for each I took some time out to turn it into a repeatable sub-command for git.

The Command

# file: "~/bin/git-initial-commit"
set -e   # exit if any command fails

# if we haven't already initialised, do so, saves an extra manual step
git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree >/dev/null 2>&1 || git init

# how many commits?
commit_count=$(git rev-list --all --count)

# we want our files to go into the top-level directory ot the project
topdir=$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)

# grab a .gitignore; assume we have curl
# (currently only writing for ourselves)
if [ -f $topdir/.gitignore ]; then
    echo "WARN: $topdir/.gitignore already exists"
    # now redirects somewhere else
    curl -Ls -o $topdir/.gitignore,vim,node,ruby,go
    git add $topdir/.gitignore

# drop in a pre-commit config
if [ -f $topdir/.pre-commit-config.yaml ]; then
    echo "WARN: $topdir/.pre-commit-config.yaml already exists"
    # if we have a "preferred" config, use it, otherwise fall back to whatever
    # the default is
    if [ -f $HOME/.shellrc.d/assets/dot-pre-commit-config.yaml ]; then
        echo "INFO: copying preferred .pre-commit-config.yaml"
        cp $HOME/.shellrc.d/assets/dot-pre-commit-config.yaml $topdir/.pre-commit-config.yaml
        echo "INFO: using pre-commit sample-config output"
        pre-commit sample-config > $topdir/.pre-commit-config.yaml
    git add $topdir/.pre-commit-config.yaml
    # make sure we actually use it
    pre-commit install

if [ "${commit_count}" -lt 1 ]; then
    git_parms=(-m 'Initial Commit (dotfiles)')
    git_parms=(-m 'Add dotfiles')

for f in $(git diff --cached --name-only); do
    git_parms+=(-m " - add ${f}")

git commit "${git_parms[@]}" && git log --oneline -n 1

# vim: filetype=sh
